On the Go

listening on the go podcasts learning running park

On the go. Listening to podcast to keep learning.

The Value of Slow Media

“Slow media is not for the distracted masses, it’s for the focused few.

Go ahead and subscribe to a few. Slow media is good for us”. — Seth Godin

Like Seth, I try to listen at least one time per week to a podcast on my mobile when I am on the go. When I commute or wait for my station, the next train, tramway or bus in Paris, France, I often hear a podcast. It could be in French or English. The topics vary:

  • Sciences
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Self-improvement
  • Workplace learning
  • Community management
  • Emerging technologies
  • Health
  • Design, creativity and arts
  • Worldwide radio music shows
  • Food

What I Do

Then, here are things go:

1. I bookmark or download via an app such as a podcast tool the audio file to listen to it on the go.

2. While letting the audio flows, I capture insights and write them down on my Moleskine or my notetaking app such as Google Keep.

3. I often connect insights. I connect words by drawing lines or forms between words. It could be a triangle, circle or any other form.

4. I sleep on my notes to revisit them later.

The intent is to turn it into an online resource. A job aid, a visual or a blog post to share when relevant to do so.

It could be during a Twitter chat or in a DM, a F2F or an online conversation during a project. It could be by including the insights in a public blog post.

5. The idea is also to post on media tools curated insights while mentioning the podcast’s host and guest(s).

For instance, I can include the link to the audio, its duration, my point of view and the introductory blog post if it exists.

In that way, people can also see what’s in it to learn from the shared podcast.

For instance, I tweeted:

Insightful podcast by @C2Montreal

On accepting & embracing ‘I don’t know’, hiring & listening to specialists for reinventing himself as a mixed martial artist, adding new tools to his arsenal for being creative in next exciting fights. — @rotanarotana

6. I share my podcast noteson this blog.

Learning & Reflecting on the Go

I visit a local radio’s websites based on my interests or topics I don’t know. It can also be from a radio abroad.

First, I check out the podcasts page. Then I subscribe to one or a few of them via my podcast app.

I start listening to a podcast during a short or long commute or while I wait in a third space. Then I pause and play.

Finally, I capture insights on my Moleskine or via my notetaking app.

When I am back at home, I dig links, people or resources mentioned in the podcast. The blog post that the host has shared with links is useful for that. Otherwise, I go deep with my podcast notes.

Your turn

Next time you are waiting or on the go, what if you nurture your curiosity through questions and insights in a podcast?

Inspire and challenge yourself while listening to a podcast?

What if you stop staring at your mobile screen?

How will you commit to hearing a podcast next time you leave your home and turn it into a great learning moment?

Tapestry goes through my flâneur’s journey over 63 pages of my personal learnings, stories and reflections in an e-book format. Through thoughts, experience, practices, inspirations, nudges, and questions, I share my story to work and learn continuously in a networked world.

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