Visual Thinking

visual thinking valley mountain hiking rotana ty

“Your visual thinking, That, more than anything, is what I think is special about you. You have talent there, I think.” — Anne Marie Rattray

This is the feedback I got regarding the strengths I build. Below are some of my productions that weave words and visuals I produced over the years.

learner experience propelling expérience apprenante propulser sea ireland howth
animer une communauté hosting a community lake forest grand paris
from anywhere shifts futures thinkingmountains alpes alps france work learning
valley mountain hiking lake rotana ty
tree green countryside france learning work skills capability development growth distributed work rotana ty
activations learning grey line cent quatre paris art center
paris wheel windown motion hausmann work learning engagement community book rotana ty
street art london uk community building leadership management engagement social dynamics rotana ty
IMG 20200809 104407 scaled
IMG tb9irg
shifting story sunset sky hill story campfire social learning community sensemaking visual thinking shift rotana ty
mountain hill sky learning workplace work future foresight trends rotana ty
IMG 20191115 135828
apprentissage continu en réseau pkm personal knowledge mastery rotana ty
visualizing ourselves workshop communication typography sensemaking rotana ty
personal knowledge mastery flow blue overlaps design learning collaboration cooperation resources tools digital rotana ty
crowd nature cities climate change antartica foresight trends rotana ty
futurs espaces apprentissage travail rotana ty makers creativity humanity connectedness technology digital immersion art teamlab

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