
I reflect on the value of defragmenting and unifying our artefacts, our writings and ourselves in a fragmented world. Read on more in this post.

Defragmenting our Arfefacts

For past Winter holidays, I grabbed the Greenlights Journal by Matthew McConaughey. …

Pluarity of seasons.

Summertime is almost over. Fall is around the corner. I can’t wait to see the best of all Autumn.

“We are plurality.

Our individuality is a temporary manifestation of relationships.

Relationships with the multitudes.”


ollowing up on my latest post, ‘Seeds’, I continue to share my working and learning out’s activities for the past few weeks with a new post.

“Seed, feed, weed and breed.” — @Quinnovator & Dave Ferguson

Question #1

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

arch. The month between the Lunar …

“Your visual thinking, That, more than anything, is what I think is special about you. You have talent there, I think.” — Anne Marie Rattray

This is the feedback I got regarding the strengths I build. Below are some of …