
I reflect on the value of defragmenting and unifying our artefacts, our writings and ourselves in a fragmented world. Read on more in this post.

Defragmenting our Arfefacts

For past Winter holidays, I grabbed the Greenlights Journal by Matthew McConaughey. …

Pluarity of seasons.

Summertime is almost over. Fall is around the corner. I can’t wait to see the best of all Autumn.

“We are plurality.

Our individuality is a temporary manifestation of relationships.

Relationships with the multitudes.”


ollowing up on my latest post, ‘Seeds’, I continue to share my working and learning out’s activities for the past few weeks with a new post.

“Seed, feed, weed and breed.” — @Quinnovator & Dave Ferguson

Question #1

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

arch. The month between the Lunar …

“Your visual thinking, That, more than anything, is what I think is special about you. You have talent there, I think.” — Anne Marie Rattray

This is the feedback I got regarding the strengths I build. Below are some of …

Onwards as we have entered a new year — 2021

“We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.” — Marshall McLuhan


“And ultimately, collapse is required for new growth and renewal.

hat are your superpowers? How do you use them? It takes time and effort to understand and use at least one superpower. Once you do, social learning thrives. Here are the insights of the week.

“Train your mind to

When time allows, I share gems from within and outside my network.

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” — Kurt Vonnegut


Unknown. Infinite loops. Exploratory. Learning Curves. Entanglement.

What …

Shifting Story Sharing

I was an active member of the 21st Century Explorers Global Community.

Jillian Reilly is the ex-founder of Antacara Frontiers and the community host.

Every week we gathered together over a live video conversation and via Connectle, …

I presented what Cube School and projects we have done are all about. Here is below the overview of the program.


As tweeted, the campus manager of the Cube School, Julien Keita, my peers, and moi were …