PKM: what does it look like?

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PKM – personal knowledge mastery: what does it look like?

Harold Jarche shares in his blog post:

It is easy to remember Seek > Sense > Share. From there, more detailed representations can be developed, based on experience and reflection, where the core framework is not dependent on me. Over the years, many variations and routines have been developed by others. But the core message remains — seek diverse perspectives, develop personal sensemaking routines, and share where appropriate.

What does Personal Knowledge Mastery look like?

seek sense share routines personal knowledge mastery rotana ty

Photos collage created by Rotana Ty.


“You don’t know where the inspiration will come from & better to have a vague memory of something than being in ignorance.”


“Your notebooks will form the edge pieces. One day, it might matter.”


“Use the good stuff – try things and see what works.” 

From this post.

#PKMastery for the win.

How do I seek diverse perspectives?

What I value is exploring and how to navigate the knowledge flows. Over time, I have developed habits to nurture my curiosity and the resources I use to learn and experiment with sense-makers and curators.

How do I develop personal sensemaking routines?

Blogging helps me review experiences such as visiting digital art spots and third places, projects, years like 2020, my learning journey, and learning circles. Using whiteboards and post-its also helped me synthesise research and experience related to future skills development.

Visual synthesis when I review books, add my two cents, and make sense of practices. For instance, on trends and foresight, contributing to society and multidisciplinary. Mind mapping and network mapping.

Drawing a network diagram. I did this to make sense of what I learned from innovation cultures, my experience and my reflection. Creating visuals helps as well. It is how I synthesise my emergent practices to nurture my curiosity. For example, I did this to review the timeline of an agile management program I completed.

Doing sports, especially swimming, biking, and walking, helped me develop my sensemaking routines.

How do I share where appropriate?

I sometimes use Twitter exchanges and tweets, in-person meetings, exploratory calls, offline and online workshops, blogs, communities of practice, and emails. In a nutshell.

visual synthesis pkm personal knowledge mastery innovation learning habits rotana ty

Visual produced by Rotana Ty.

Insightful thoughts on sensemaking

“I usually begin with an open-ended inquiry. I liken this to dipping my ladle into an immense river of knowledge that’s flowing by. If I miss something, it’s not a big deal; important stuff comes by more than once. I extract general pointers and patterns from tributaries.”

“The next phase is processing what I’ve found. What happens is refinement, hypothesis-testing, looking for patterns, mapping, conversation and reflecting on ideas and images that are emerging. I generally do my best synthesis while asleep. I plant an idea or just have concepts floating around in my head; overnight the boys in the back room come up with a new way of looking at things. Among the streams that feed this phase of sense-making are.”

“Eventually, I turn from pulling ideas into pushing them out. I share my take on things in conversations, both in person and in social networks. I post definitive thoughts to my learn stream. That generates feedback that enables me to improve things. It’s a virtuous circle.

For me, this cycle of pull-reflect-push is my contribution to the knowledge commons that is the Web. I believe in karma. I give to the Web and the Web gives back. I always receive more than I give. In an organization, I think this process of seeking out and sharing meaning is a responsibility of enlightened social citizenship…” — Jay Cross in ‘Making Sense of the World, Chief Learning Magazine Officer.

Next: Read more in the #PKMastery Series.

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