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I tweeted:

“Participating for the second time in the #PKMastery workshop to revisit, develop and refine my work and learning practices with a global cohort and @hjarche

I participated in 2020 in the Personal Knowledge Mastery Workshop. Each week, we are guided by Harold Jarche every other day. Last week, I perused the activities and resources shared in our private workshop’s platform. We are invited to start narrating our work. What did I do last week?

Click on each day to read more.

I unfollowed everyone on Linkedin after reading this helpful and thoughtful blog post by Helen Blunden on mass deletions and deactivations. It felt weird and good to see nothing in my stream to regain focus. So I try to go slow each weekend and away from social streams for my sanity.

As I started the new week, I thought about discerning who I connect with and following on LinkedIn and media tools to keep learning, discussing, and exploring together. Back in the day, I wrote a post on collective learning and quoted two people in my network:

“Every day, I connect and learn from people across the world through social technologies. Some of these people I’ve met in person, increasingly they are people I didn’t know before social media. From them, I glean new insights about topics I set out to learn as well as get introduced to new topics and related information I didn’t realize would help round out what’s important to my life and in my work.” — Marcia Conner

Are you curating smart, knowledgeable networks?

“The way we curate our connections shapes our networks in ways that affect their health and effectiveness.” — Gideon Rosenblatt

I recalled Paul Simbeck-Hampson‘s tips when asked: how do you enhance serendipity in person – face to face and remotely in diverse third places and spaces? He tweeted: 

“F2F or remote; it’s the same:
1. Care.
2. Listen carefully.
3. Ask questions – lots of questions, too many questions!
4. Listen even more carefully.
5. Care even more.”

There is also some great advice from Luis Suarez to make it work best for each of us. Thanks to Marcia Conner for putting a spotlight on Luis Linkedin post. As I am engaged in a few global communities, I connected and followed up privately with a few members I met, discussed, and learned.

I got moving with my fitness.

The 8th March was also International Women Day. I am so grateful to the women in my network. They inspire me. The women who keep exploring and learning, being supportive, impactful, thoughtful, helpful and respectful, along with my learning and work shifts.

I also watched the documentary from Yann Artus-Bertrand called ‘Woman‘, which is beautiful and powerful I think.

I had a great conversation with Trish Wilson, network catalyst from the Network Of Us. It always a treat to connect and explore shared interests: community building and management, network weaving, personal and collective learning, content analysis, deep work and co-creation, the ways we bond and work together, change management, critical thinking.

Within the 21st Century Explorers community, we have weekly collective art experience over video calls. It always fun, deep and mesmerizing to see, feel and hear the beauty and depth of fellow explorers through their pieces of arts and personal stories they curated and created.

A few weeks ago, I hosted a one-hour session where I shared about my artistry, visual thinking, and how I am a flâneur while learning the flow of life and work. Art keeps inspiring me to see patterns, weaving ideas and create resources and knowledge artefacts over time, such as my blog posts and my upcoming book on connectedness and continuous learning through life and work.

I also attended a webinar on the client’s relationship with Trusted Advisor Associates.

Helen Blunden improves her French writing. After reading her working and learning out loud blog post in French: Qu’est-ce que j’ai fait cette semaine?’, I share my suggestions as French is my mother tongue.

“Learning to write French requires practice and lots of feedback. By doing writing a blog post in French and then seeking feedback from my French speaking network, I’m able to correct the written phrases.

Here’s what I got up to this week.

A BIG Merci to Rotana Ty (@rotanarotana) for this weeks corrections!”

Helen tweeted:

“Big thank you to @rotanarotana for helping me with the French blog writing this week! It’s been fun to have my French speaking personal learning network helping me out.”

We also had a great private asynchronous chat the next few days. So rare these days but so good. You may be interested in Helen’s take on working and learning out loud:

Working out loud for me means…

  • I need to feel as if I’m an OBSERVER to their thinking process – not their student. I don’t want to be lectured to or told I need to do things in certain ways ONLY, I want them to ENCOURAGE my creativity – not to stifle it.
  • I need to feel as if I’m the GUIDE to changing my own process – not them. That is, they give me the confidence to experiment and do another or new way to what they’ve shown me because this makes learning novel and new – hence more memorable and it sticks for me.
  • I need to then SHARE what I learned to others to observe me (the cycle repeats).

So working out loud, if I can change the perspective here, is as much about the person doing it AS IT IS for the observer watching them.

The day I keep participating in the #PKMastery workshop with a global cohort and Harold Jarche. What is different this time? I connect with one participant at a time through the platform we use and social media. I met a few folks through the PBCC community who take or re-do the workshop. The duration is shorter. First time: sixty days. Now: forty days. Good.

My learning flow is slightly different. In 2020, I used a combination of tools to capture what I read and do with each activity and resource published every Monday and Thursday. On Google Keep and my desktop folders. Findable. Easy.

I also turned assignments into tasks with Clickup. Finally, I anchored what I did and learned through a blog post and a series.

So this year my toolkit and resources are a combination of:

  • Email to get the content of the activity posted every other day of the workweek. The mail I got is turned into a task with Clickup. Easy to read or retrieve content from the workshop. When one activity is done, and the resources dug, the mail is deleted.
  • Slack/Google Docs/Keep/Word to capture what I read and see, write down my thoughts and questions. Easy to use formatting to put words in bold, italic, add links, visuals to create threads. Searchable and retrievable archive.
  • Clickup to track my assignments and sub-tasks with deadlines and status per task. This is how I am self-disciplined and regulate to work on the PKM discipline.
  • Cloud archive. I created documents in 2020. Notes. Resources. Visuals. I revisit with fresh eyes what I captured, wrote, sketched, drew, produced.
  • Pen and paper to produce diagrams and for network mapping.
  • Blogging to share my observations, thoughts and sensemaking.
  • Fellow seekers. I have already posted on the platform questions, thoughts and resources with the other participants. The resources are also other participants worldwide, and Harold is available when needed for an audio or video call.

I dug resources related to community management: newsletter from Rosieland, blog posts by Feverbee, videos, TheCR Library and podcast. Then, I turned a few actionable insights into a digest to retrieve and use when relevant.

I have continued my future skills research. Here is below my attempt to synthesize what caught my attention so far.

future skills mapping work learning research rotana ty visual thinking diagram

I reviewed and edited my old blog posts: focusing, modern professional learner, the neo-generalist.

We have had many asynchronous chats in the global communities I belong to. The topics vary. From critical thinking and creativity to making our craft. From using workplace learning models to building and engaging a community of practice remotely.

I wrote a Linkedin recommendation to Paul Simbeck-Hampson for his continuous support and worked with personal brand transformation.

I kept reading and using the book ‘Real Learning‘ by Jay Cross. My participation in the PKM Workshop carried on as well as follow-ups with people in my network.

It was time to make some spring cleaning: books donation, shoes donation.

I enjoyed watching the psychological science fiction film ‘Ad Astra‘ on space exploration, the unknown and the relationship between a father and a son.

Working with a professional editor on my forthcoming book about connectedness and continuous learning has been a real pleasure. Improving grammar to make sentences flow better and adding great ideas to stretch, improve and strengthen my writing. The additions bring more depth, breadth and strength to my voice, deep thoughts and feelings. I really love how this book is coming together. The next steps are formatting the book, working on the cover and self-publishing.

I have heard who has reached out to me this week via email/media tools or on social to get to know me better and to see if it is relevant for us to connect and explore the possibilities – or not.

My social sharing continued through tweets, reposts on LinkedIn, my blog posts and an article on neo-generalists by Kenneth Mikkelsen. In between my days, work and study, I often had tea, listened to music and went for walks. Slack, Google Docs, Keep, my moleskine and WordPress are still my go-to places to jot down drafts of emerging thoughts.

It felt good to reconnect with a few people in my entourage to check in and catch up.

Next: Activation

Did you enjoy this post? Check out Future Skills.

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