What is the most important reason to become a modern professional learner?

In 2019 and beyond, I would like to reiterate the reason I shared in 2017:

Taking charge of our own professional development and self-improvement depends on ourselves.


hat do your modern professional learner and designer’s toolkit, resources, activities, and communities look like?

From time to time, I find it worthwhile to update and turn them into resources that I can use and iterate on as I experiment …

Workplace Futures & Nowness.

“Outside of work (your) people are learning in connected ways.” — @MichelleOckers

Yes, we do.

Experiencing Collective Digital Arts

Are we seeing the emergence of collective digital art experiences?

I wonder, because I have been …

As we head toward the end of 2017, I read the ebook ‘How to become a Modern Professional Learner’ by Jane Hart @C4LPT. It contains many questions to help me to reflect and experiment while learning continuously.

I pick …

Connectedness Era

Divergence is as important as convergence.

New ways of working and health are related and interesting. Topics such as remote work, sitting and standing desks, walkability, wearable technologies and connected life spaces caught my attention. Deep-tech …