Activating Learning & Work
Table of Contents
As we approach the end of the year, I will employ a different approach to review 2019 and recalibrate for 2020 and beyond. This time, I will draw upon an article I published in 2017, which outlined my journey to becoming a modern professional learner. In it, I wrote:
What is the most important reason to become a modern professional learner?
In 2019 and beyond, I would like to reiterate the reason I shared in 2017:
Taking charge of our own professional development and self-improvement depends on ourselves.
What are your strengths & weaknesses in the workplace?
I did the StrengthsFinder Assessment brought by the Gallup Center. Here are my top strengths.
I am a strategic thinker. In other words, it means that I am constantly absorbing and analysing information in order to inform better decisions. I encourage creative thinking to inform decisions in the present and future.
What have you done so far to develop your skills & knowledge further?
I am currently reading books in various formats, including Kindle e-books and paperbacks. From business books to non-fiction books.
I am currently engaged in the process of curation and sense-making, as well as writing.
I engage with documentaries, explore third places and cities, and gain insights from podcasts.
I keep learning over projects and innovation cultures, and workshops I host.
According to the engagement assessment from Scott Gould, this is how I engage:
From 13 January 2020, I participated in the online workshop ‘Personal Knowledge Mastery‘ with Harold Jarche, whom I met a few months ago in Paris over lunch.
The Personal Knowledge Mastery workshop is conducted over 40 days, and comprises 18 activities spaced through six weeks, in addition to resources, links, and tips. Each Monday, Wednesday, & Friday a new assignment is posted in the online community space. People can work on their own or share in the discussion forum with other participants as they like. Harold is available to personally support all participants. At the end of the workshop, an additional two weeks are provided for reflection or catch-up, so participants have access for eight weeks in total.
The discipline of PKM helps to develop four core work skills, identified by the Institute for the Future:
- sense-making
- social intelligence
- new media literacy
- cognitive load management“
I also explore future thinking practices by taking this online course: Ready, Set, Future! Introduction to Futures Thinking, Jane McGonigal brings that from the Institute For The Future.Futures thinking is one of the five disciplines I explore.
The four other disciplines are personal knowledge mastery, mind management, exploratory leadership and community management.
Consider learning more about the 70:20:10 or ‘Experience, Exposure, Education’ principle/lens via this blog post by Ryan Tracey (@ryantracey). How about 3Es and 3Rs, which stand for Rewind, Reflect and Refresh?
How do you develop a growth mindset?
I view challenges as opportunities, to try different learning tactics, and cultivate grit.
I am also reading David Amerland’s ‘The Sniper Mind‘ and will use the resources being produced by David. As he puts on his website, this book is about: “Eliminate Fear, Deal with Uncertainty, and Make Better Decisions”.
How much time will you commit to continuous planned learning? When will you do this?
60 days over ten weeks (1st time in 2020)40 days (2nd time in 2021) | 4 hours | 30 min-1 hour | 30 min – 1 hour |
10-15 min |
Participating in the PKM Workshop
Four weeks Ready, Set, Future! Introduction to Futures Thinking Online Course by IFTF |
Biking, swimming.
Going to an exhibition. Watching a movie/documentary. Hosting a course/workshop remotely/in-person |
Reading business and (non-)fiction books
Having a walk |
Hearing a podcast Participating in a webinar/online community call/conference/meetup |
IM/Linkedin/Twitter engagement |
The duration of travel can vary from a few days to several weeks.
Which tool for your work journal?
Word. Google Docs. Google Keep. WordPress. Moleskine.
What are your productivity’s habits?
I block and regulate the time I spend on tasks and projects by taking regular breaks.
Furthermore, I use Toggl on my laptop to monitor my time and energy expenditure, enabling me to identify where I am spending my time on a task-by-task, project-by-project and client-by-client basis.
I am taking regular breaks to unplug, including savouring a cup of tea or coffee, doing sports, and setting aside my phone in the evening and during the weekend.
I do standing meetings when I have a video or audio call via Zoom, Google Meet or Teams. For instance I can use the K2-Laptop Stand Portable, Foldable & Height Adjustable as a tool for my standing desk, regardless of location.
How I take advantage of my commute.
I frequently engage in ongoing learning while on the move. If I am awaiting my train, bus, subway or tram, I may read the content I have saved via Pocket, Clickup or Feedly.
In addition to reading, I may also listen to a business, music, scientific, cultural or food podcast while commuting. I take notes in my Moleskine or Google Keep if I listen to insights and practical advice. It is my way for capturing insights in industries, emerging practices, people, places, experiences, and ideas.
Turning off notifications.
I have carried out this action on the devices I use. I only engage when it is meaningful and timely to do so.
Why hire me?
I pay attention to behaviours and actions from people and organizations that are described below:
“The basics of a personalized candidate experience
There’s a mix to find between human and automation and it’s understandable that automation can prevail until the enterprise decides to interview the candidate, but there are some basics no one should forget ;
1) Personalize
2) Show attention, care
3) Have a relational approach
4) Adopt long-term thinking.” — Bertand Duperrin @bduperrin
In addition, I will conduct further research and engage in discussions with relevant parties to make sure whether the organisation and its employees are prioritising the following areas:
- Meaningful professional engagement.
- Having a societal, business and environmental impact.
- Collective growth and personal development.
- Working and learning out loud.
What activities or experiences challenge you to develop new skills and push you out of your comfort zone?
As previously stated in this post, I can activate various methods, approaches, frameworks, processes, such as systems thinking, design thinking, or any other practice. The objective is to combine different techniques for optimising our resources.

Source: visual created by Rotana Ty.
What are your teamwork skills? What do you need to work on?
I tend to adopt a critical approach to decision-making, consulting my instincts before making a decision. Furthermore, I consider the potential outcomes.
As I am passionate about learning and connecting the dots, I see myself as a deep thinker. Furthermore, I believe that identifying and activating our individual strengths and abilities is how we make a meaningful contribution.
It is about building on each other’s ideas while co-creating and adding value. Furthermore, I have learned that writing down answers to questions such as “why,” “what,” “who,” “where,” “when,” and “how” and identifying the context and the benefits of a project or action can help summarize and clarify what has been said, thought, and felt during a meeting. Once the answers have been considered overnight, they can be revisited and, if necessary, further developed.
When possible, I contribute with my energy, enthusiasm, and pick new ideas to foster teamwork.
Why do you share?
To nurture relationships and create shared understanding of our world. The Personal Meaning Ecosystem enables us to become more purposeful as we engage in networks and conversations.
Why & how do you grow your professional network?
“It is all about the deep, meaningful connection @rotanarotana” — @marciamarcia
How will you ensure you don’t just collect dots – but connect them? What process will you use?
Throught the ways insight patternists and sense-makers use.
How do you record your progress & reflections?
This blog and my ‘why Rotana Ty’ page.
What does your Modern Professional’s Toolkit look like?
For more, please read this blog post on tools, activities and resources I use.
Activate Your Work & Learning with Future Skills
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