PKM – personal knowledge mastery: what does it look like?

arold Jarche shares in his blog post:

It is easy to remember Seek > Sense > Share. From there, more detailed representations can be developed, based on experience

“When we are curious, we engage the world by exploring, learning, and making meaning from our discoveries” — @ariannahuff

Curiosity is essential in our modern world and its importance. How do we develop curiosity and future skills?

Through this series …

hat do your modern professional learner and designer’s toolkit, resources, activities, and communities look like? From time to time, I find it worthwhile to update and turn it into resources to use and iterate while experimenting and doing projects. To …

ast May, I went to a superb exhibition at the Army Museum in Paris, ‘Napoléon The Strategist’. It helped me understand what the quote below means as I saw how Napoléon used his skills as ‘a military genius’.

Future Skills: Building 21st Century Skills

“How do you teach people to be more comfortable with ambiguity?”

My response was: “The first thing we need to do is give them projects to do where we can’t know what the right

Learnability. What are the ways to activate it?

Discover my experience and resources to unlock your learning potential now.

Learning agility is a mind-set and corresponding collection of practices that allow leaders to continually develop, grow and utilize new

rotana ty curiosity learning innovation sketch gapinvoid

Source: visual created by @gapinvoid. “Curiosity Is as Important as Intelligence”.

“Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.”
– William Samuel Johnson

“One of our beliefs is that curiosity is an essential human quality.

Embracing Not Knowing in a World of Uncertainty & Constant Change

“My 6-word memoir: I don’t know… let’s find out” #staycurious#gamefulmind”  — @valarywithawhy

When was the last time you said to yourself or someone those three words: I …

earning something new daily helps me to grow and thrive. Whether in a project, on my own, in a conversation, in a community. It is not necessarily work-related most of the time, something of interest or fun. It could be …

On the go. Listening to podcast to keep learning.

The Value of Slow Media

“Slow media is not for the distracted masses, it’s for the focused few.

Go ahead and subscribe to a few. Slow media is good for us”.