Tapestry Book: deep work and inside out.

Inspirations From Writers

ascinating ways to read, write, research, highlight, retrieve, pick, proofread, find a balance between productivity and presence, use tech hacks online and offline – as a writer—for example, and reader.…

Onwards as we have entered a new year — 2021

“We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future.” — Marshall McLuhan


“And ultimately, collapse is required for new growth and renewal.

Rewind 2020. Actions, motion, observations and reflections.

I look back to look forward.

2020: what came together? What didn’t? What are my moments of change and ripples?


I started the year by participating in the Personal Knowledge Mastery Workshop

e define our purpose. We identify our strengths and abilities. We learn how to work together in person and remotely, and how to engage with teams, networks and communities.

We act deliberately to learn continuously and to explore together.


hat are your superpowers? How do you use them? It takes time and effort to understand and use at least one superpower. Once you do, social learning thrives. Here are the insights of the week.

“Train your mind to

When time allows, I share gems from within and outside my network.

“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.” — Kurt Vonnegut


Unknown. Infinite loops. Exploratory. Learning Curves. Entanglement.

What …

One retrospective at the past six months and three futurespectives.

Through a community chat and a blog post, I had the opportunity to engage in a live session, where I reviewed the past six months in a retrospective manner and …

Triple Check: Head Heart Gut.

Noticing ourselves helps us to wire ourselves on different levels.

Below is what I sketched while doing a guided self-awareness exercise: ‘Head Heart Gut’ hosted by Jillian Reilly via a live remote event within the …

Growing through the Growth Mindset

From a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Growth starts with starting and believing we can succeed.

Exploring topics that feed and stimulate our curiosity. Reading. Watching. Listening. Drawing. On a large scale.

Starting with …

Shifting Story Sharing

I was an active member of the 21st Century Explorers Global Community.

Jillian Reilly is the ex-founder of Antacara Frontiers and the community host.

Every week we gathered together over a live video conversation and via Connectle, …