earning something new daily helps me to grow and thrive. Whether in a project, on my own, in a conversation, in a community. It is not necessarily work-related most of the time, something of interest or fun. It could be …

On the go. Listening to podcast to keep learning.

The Value of Slow Media

“Slow media is not for the distracted masses, it’s for the focused few.

Go ahead and subscribe to a few. Slow media is good for us”.

n exhibition is an interactive experience cultivating my curiosity through emotions, artefacts, photos and words in a connected world.

“An exhibition is an argument, but conveyed differently, through objects and with much less text. It’s a very different endeavor, and

As we head toward the end of 2017, I read the ebook ‘How to become a Modern Professional Learner’ by Jane Hart @C4LPT. It contains many questions to help me to reflect and experiment while learning continuously.

I pick …

The Neo-Generalist — Why & What

fter I read the book, The Neo-Generalist, by Kenneth Mikkelsen and Richard Martin, thoughts, feelings, and stories shared resonated as I shifted into a world of constant change.

A generalist has specialities

Continuous learning. I share why and what shifting in a world of constant change is all about. Read on.

A few years ago, I wrote this blog post ‘Are we in the age of collective learning and co-creation?’ How …

Connectedness Era

Divergence is as important as convergence.

New ways of working and health are related and interesting. Topics such as remote work, sitting and standing desks, walkability, wearable technologies and connected life spaces caught my attention. Deep-tech …

avigating Knowledge Flows Fast & Slow. There is value in going deeper into an uncertain and fragmented world. We think critically, respond, contribute to online conversations while adding value regarding the context. We connect, contribute and unplug when needed. 


Business Education For All.

Some observations

“We’ll see if MOOCs bring about the democratisation of education or just the mass consumerisation of good lecturing.” — @gpetriglieri

If you explore the emerging trends in learning, you have not missed MOOCs’ emergence …

Wander: how can we do so with creative generalists in our networked society?

On Generalists

“Not all those who wander are lost.” — J.R.R. Tolkien

“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.”- E.B. White

Many people advocate …