
Strengths building. I share how I recalibrate, review and refine my Clifton Strengths. Read on.

This is Summertime. After being involved intensively over the past few months in co-creating and co-hosting a learning community and program specialised in soft skills

Shifting Story Sharing

I was an active member of the 21st Century Explorers Global Community.

Jillian Reilly is the ex-founder of Antacara Frontiers and the community host.

Every week we gathered together over a live video conversation and via Connectle, …

Learning Futures at Learning Technology France Conference 2020.

Learning Futures At #LTFrance 2020

On February 5th and 6th, I spent a few hours at the Learning Technologies France conference for the first time. As an attendee, I went to some …

s I shape and refine my working/learning practices over the online workshop ‘Personal Knowledge Mastery‘, I have also discovered a sense-making tool, which Harold Jarche shares in this blog post: McLuhan’s media tetrad. New to me.


PKM – personal knowledge mastery: what does it look like?

arold Jarche shares in his blog post:

It is easy to remember Seek > Sense > Share. From there, more detailed representations can be developed, based on experience

Visualizing ourselves.

The Workshop

In this 20-hour workshop, divided into two days and four half days, my Cube School colleagues and I were invited to reflect on the notion of identity. We designed unique forms to represent ourselves by exploring …

hat do your modern professional learner and designer’s toolkit, resources, activities, and communities look like?

From time to time, I find it worthwhile to update and turn them into resources that I can use and iterate on as I experiment …

I presented what Cube School and projects we have done are all about. Here is below the overview of the program.


As tweeted, the campus manager of the Cube School, Julien Keita, my peers, and moi were …

Workplace Futures & Nowness.

“Outside of work (your) people are learning in connected ways.” — @MichelleOckers

Yes, we do.

Experiencing Collective Digital Arts

Are we seeing the emergence of collective digital art experiences?

I wonder, because I have been …

Innovation: what does it take?

We live in an age of collective learning and connection. It can be easy to get to know each other. It is the same for collaborating and cooperating on meaningful and impactful projects.

It takes …